Sika Sikagard 62 (Part A+B) 11.4kg of 12kg Kit Unpigmented Protective Coating
Sikagard 62
Sikagard-62 is a two component high build thixotropic protective coating based on epoxy resin. When cured Sikagard-62 provides a hard, glossy film with high resistance to abrasion and chemical attack.
Sikagard-62 is successfully used for concrete and steel protection in the following applications: waterproof internal reservoir coatings, interior or exterior (when not subject to UV irradiation) protective coating for silos, pipes, tunnels and galleries. Also in laundries, factories, chemical process areas, sewage treatment works, dairies etc as an impervious chemical resistant coating for floors and walls. Sikagard-62 is vapour proof. When Sikadur Silica Aggregate is applied to the final coat of Sikagard-62 an extremely hard wearing anti-skid, waterproof, chemical resistant finish is obtained.
- Protective and decorative.
- Excellent chemical resistance.
- Easy for cleaning and graffiti removal.
- High abrasion resistance.
- Excellent adhesion to most building materials.
- Approved for use with potable water.
Pre-proportioned 2 part kit: Part A: 8.4 kg
Part B: 3.0 kg
Pigment Pack 600 g
- Protective Coating
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