Sika Film 10 Litres Evaporating Retarders

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Sika Film is a moisture evaporation retardant. It is designed to be used on concrete surfaces to reduce evaporative water loss.
BrandsSika Product TypeEvaporating Retarders Size10 Litres

Sika Film

Sika Film is a moisture evaporation retardant. It is designed to be used on concrete surfaces to reduce evaporative water loss.


  • All applications where a superior finish is required on concrete flatwork
  • Protects concrete from the effects of excessive moisture loss in rapid drying conditions 


  • Eliminates the need to add water to low slump concrete or spraying water on the concrete surface to aid finishing
  • Good finishing aid to fresh concrete for extra smooth and durable concrete floors
  • Reduces plastic shrinkage cracking caused by evaporation in low humidity conditions such as heat and high winds
  • Finishing aid to fresh concrete that produces little or no bleed water, such as microsilica or air entrained mixes


10   litre pail 205 litre drum


Blue liquid


Equipment used to mix and apply  Sika® Film should be washed immediately after use with water.


When diluted at a ratio of 1:8, 1 litre of Sika® Film will yield 9 litres of liquid.Depending on surface profile and texture the total diluted material covers an area of approximately 35-90 m2. These figures are theoretical and do not allow for any additional material due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level or wastage etc. Dosage rates outside the recommended range may be used when project conditions require special consideration. Contact Sika Technical Services for additional information.



Thoroughly mix 1 part Sika® Film with 8 parts of water by volume.

Finishing Aid

Apply the diluted Sika® Film solution with a fine mist sprayer as soon as possible after placing concrete and before floating and trowelling operations.

Evaporation Control

Apply the diluted Sika® Film solution with a fine mist sprayer as soon as possible after floating and trowelling operations.

Product Type
  • Evaporating Retarders
10 Litres

Sika Film (Sika_Film.pdf, 139 Kb) [Download]

SIKAFILM SDS (SIKAFILM_SDS.pdf, 70 Kb) [Download]

sika_film (sika_film.pdf, 158 Kb) [Download]

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10 Litres
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205 Litres

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